"Living Tantra Training"
The training is for people who want a rich experience of personal and spiritual growth in a closed circle of people so that depth of exploration, relationship, trust and support can grow over time.
Upcoming dates
29th May 2025 to 29th November 2026 with Jan Day, Frieder Fischer at EarthSpirit Centre (Somerset). View details
Feedback from recent Living Tantra Training:
(Be part of the next 18-month “Living Tantra Training” with a monthly payment from £396.11)
“Nothing has come close to the deep and broad expansion that I had with you. I’ve had moments of longing to be in those frantic days of packing, boarding for my long flight and simply feeling that opening and expansion, often with pain that I learned to turn towards and allow.” (female)
“The experiential nature of Living Tantra has enabled me to heal in ways that no talking therapy on the planet could ever do. ” (male)
“I feel deeply connected to more of my emotions including my pain, but now with new gifts and talents, previously unrecognised.” (male)
“I learned, experientially, that I could be loved for who I am.” (female)
“These 18 months have healed many wounds and gently and persistently I was loved back together again.” (male)
“I have connected with my passion and my power. My heart has opened and I am falling in love with my body.” (female)
“The Living Tantra Training has helped me develop the ability to be in touch with my power and vulnerability at the same time.” (male)
“To really understand that I no longer need to strive to ‘fix’ something in me to find love is huge!” (female)
“It has made me more confident and assured in work and relationship as well as making me feel more connected and open to others.” (male)
“By giving myself permission to be authentic, I have a lot more life in me” (male)
“I feel fully alive, fully in my feminine, fully in my sexual power and fully in my life energy.” (female)
“ My heart has been blown wide open during this process. I now have many tools to keep moving forwards in my life with so much more grace and awareness.” (female)
“Living Tantra put me in touch with a richer way of living on all levels, spiritual, emotional and sexual.” (female)
Living Tantra Training - dates & prices
The Living Tantra Training includes the Living Tantra experiential workshops (Living Tantra 2, 3 & 4) and additionally, a series of six 3 or 4-day seminars in between the workshops. In addition, the training will include an online “learning forum” where the training group will share about issues that are coming up in their lives and the integration of the work into everyday life and stay in contact throughout the 18 months of the training and usually beyond.
"Living Tantra Training” 2025-2026 (LTT16)
starting with seminar one 29th May to 1st June 2025
Seminar 1 at EarthSpirit Centre, Somerset Thursday 29th May (6pm) - Sunday 1st (2pm) June Seminar 2 at EarthSpirit Centre, Somerset Thursday 18th (6pm) - Sunday 21st (2pm) September **Living Tantra 2 **workshop at EarthSpirit Centre, Somerset Friday 7th (6pm) -Thursday 13th (2pm) November
Seminar 3 at EarthSpirit Centre, Somerset Thursday 8th (6pm) - Sunday 11th (2pm) January Seminar 4 at EarthSpirit Centre, Somerset Thursday 12th (6pm) - Sunday 15th (2pm) March Living Tantra 3 workshop at EarthSpirit Centre, Somerset Friday 19th (6pm) - Thursday 25th (2pm) June Seminar 5 at Michael’s Valley, Devon (camping) Thursday 10th (2pm) - Sunday 13th (4pm) September **Living Tantra 4 **workshop at EarthSpirit Centre, Somerset Friday 16th (6pm) - Thursday 22nd (2pm) October Seminar 6 - Graduation at EarthSpirit Centre, Somerset Wednesday 25th (6pm) - Sunday 29th (2pm) November
(Be part of the 18-month “Living Tantra Training” with a monthly payment from £396.11)\Prices & payment options for the “Living Tantra Training” (25/26)
The total cost for the “Living Tantra Training 25/26” is £7985 incl VAT
Course fee £3685 incl VAT plus for standard food & accommodation (F&A) £4300 incl VAT
Please ask for detailed information and the "Living Tantra Training" flyer - email office@janday.com
Coaching with Jan & learn to teach & run your own workshops
The trainees and graduates also have the possibility to assist in workshops in which they have already participated or to repeat workshops for a much reduced course fee. For those who wish to lead their own workshops, the opportunity to explore leading meditations and guided structures will be offered. Participants in the Training may book individual coaching sessions with Jan.
Jan only takes on new coaching appointments with people who are part of the Living Tantra Training.
Join our mailing list
To request a free consultation
or to book a workshop call
020 8123 9831
or by email at